스마트 업무관리

by (주)클라우드랩



Smart task management is a service that enables you to efficiently perform various company tasks such as groupware/webhard/document management/journal/work order/community and messaging through a smartphone in real time from outside.*Main functions and features1.Groupware Share in-house announcements, electronic payments, schedule management, message receipt and transmission, data room, etc. anytime, anywhere with PC and mobile2. Web Hard Maximize work efficiency by exchanging or sharing business document files with external companies3. Document management All company documents are permanently stored digitally, can be viewed at any time through a smartphone, and documents received and sent between associations and companies are supported.4. Business log Individual daily work diaries can be created and paid for on a PC or smartphone, and this record is collected by company and project and integrated into sales progress information.5. Business order Work orders are given to employees through a smartphone or PC, and the contents of the instructions are tracked and managed until the action is completed.Providing work orders with employees of external associations and partners through the community6.Community Support to share business details with affiliated associations and associations through online communities and to receive regular advice through consulting companies such as accountants and labor managers.7. Web Fax and SMS Support to send and receive faxes online to eliminate paper waste and to send faxes or SMS to customers in large quantities*How to sign up for the service1.Sign up through portal Homepage: You can sign up by accessing http://www.smart-work.co.kr and clicking Apply for Service in the service application menu above.2. Sign up through phone inquiry Customer Center: Please call 1899-1710 to learn how to sign up. *Service subscription and inquirySmart business management is a paid service and can be used after requesting a separate service.Customer Center: 1899-7837*Tip.1. Double-tap the top title in the list to move to the top of the list.2. Clicking this type of icon (1/2) in the Outgoing Message or Document Unreceived Box moves to the Recipient/Unrecognized List.It can be installed from Android version 4.1.2 or higher.